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Welcome to my blog and here a short intro of myself. Yea a girl name abby and currently 17 years old.:)
Don't make me look down on you.
Hey you. Yea you.

I don't know that you don't even care lost all of us. Yea, you genius. You say that broke the friendship is better, means that we bring lots of unhappiness to you? Haha, so funny. Actually you know that were us play you with ivan phone, right? I know you're acting to us, and in a indirect way to tell us that you don't even care lost us anot. So in love with your boyfriend? Haha, funny man. Low classes people is always have the same mind. You say that you still got true friends. Haha, please look clearly. There's nobody around you is true friends. You tell ang say actually all them dislike you cause of your attitude. Cause them dislike you then you only run to us and become friend with us? Funny you bitch. I swear this is the first time i so dissapointed on a friend like you. FUCK this is just SO SHIT. We're spare tyer? Haha, yea, you so unhappy we force you to everything ma not. Unhappy we force you to go installation night, unhappy borrow your camera, unhappy borrow your laptop, unhappy borrow your house, unhappy to bring lots of thing to school and even unhappy to wear high heels. TMD unhappy say ma fuck why want say this after friendship broken? DA fuck you really pissed me off. 

O ya, that day you ask me why my wechat moment so angry right? I tell you that was another friend not inside school, but actually that person was you. You happy? I don't know why the fuck are you during exam, fuck i go find you then what respon you have give me? Inside group chat, you can HEHEHEHEHHE , HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA but in reality the fuck you respon to me. FUCK is just FUCK. You don't even appreciate us but the fuck is we appreciate you bah. We're sosososos fking wrong, wrong to be friend with you. Part of them dislike you, talking bad behind you, even say you're " airport "

 we help you to scold back, but the fuck is you never appreciate.  After today, i really see through you this person. My godness i'm so wrong that even think that want to forgive you. I'm sorry to my lord jesus, my parents and my grandparents. The biggest mistake i make is I EVER THINK THAT WANT TO FORGIVE YOU BITCH. 

My heart was true to everyone, but for you. Please just get a life. 

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