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Welcome to my blog and here a short intro of myself. Yea a girl name abby and currently 17 years old.:)
Hey, i'm back :)
Hello everyone.
I'm back to blog.

I'm sorry this few days was a little bit busy on my school stuffs.
I need to finish the chinese drama project before SPM.
And need to prepared for my SPM.
Seriously i'm so stress.
But i don't know what can i do already.

Oh and yeah,
last sunday was my Club dinner called 

I had alot fun with my girs.
*will show the photos soon*

I'm so thankful that i got them in my life.
Words couldn't describe them inside my heart,
i don't simply talk how much i loved them,
i will try my best to show you all  how important are you guys.

Thank you, my friends.
Thank you for always be thre for me,
Thank you for understand me without a single word.
Thank you, i aprreciate it.

Next year, we gonna hve our own way to go,
i hope that we won't forget each other.
Our relationship will long-lasting right ?
I belive it.

Love you girls.

Teenage's Life

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