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Welcome to my blog and here a short intro of myself. Yea a girl name abby and currently 17 years old.:)
2013's life
I've been a long time ago didn't updated blog. 

I'm sorry that I forget my old account password,
and here are my new blog.
I may not be free to update everyday,
but i will try my best to update in the important's day yea hehe.

Today was the last day of SPORT MEET.
And also is the 5th SPORT MEET in STTSS i had joined.
Nothing special for this year,
but this is the first year my HOUSE get LAST in SPORT MEEET.
But we get Champion in CHEERLEADING hehe ^_^

So today with my buddies just walk around at school and watch the events from 2-6pm.
Can't believe that we can hold on so long time with the BORED events.
This year i didn't go to the CAMP HOUSE,
because it's too boring man.

OH yea, 
Lesson learnt today.
 When people not want to help you on something,
then please straight go away instead of keep begging them.
They won't feel you're innocent.

When you need someone help you to do a favour,
but there's nobody want to help.
Don't want to help and give those excuse like 
' Oh! My car have no oil.'
' Oh! I have no license '
' Oh! I no drive my car today '
' I need to go camp house help decorate '
' I need go do something im sorry '
' I don't have go there im sorry '
Lots of excuses and that were A SUCKS EXCUSES i heard ever.

When you need our helps,
we helped.
But when we needs your help, 
give lots excuse.

i have see who is the person with the kindness heart,
even we don't close but people is trying to help on us.
To the 2 persons who try to help us,
Someday if have any problems,
and when we been there,
we will help and fully support on you guys!

To those reject us,
don't ask for help from us,
i wont help.

Meaningless friendship.

To get know my previous blog, 
please visit >

Teenage's life
Abby Fung

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